
Active Parenting for Stepfamilies

The Children's Cabinet 5905 South Decatur Blvd., Suite #13, Las Vegas

This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet. **SEE NOTES**This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 8.0Active Parenting for Stepfamilies is a program for both parents and stepparents. It demonstrates […]


Out of School Time SET Everyday…Using Centers in Afterschool

***Please make sure to have a Zoom account prior to attending The Children's Cabinet virtual trainings.*** (Handouts-Windows 10 or better)Instructor: Constance TomanengNevada Registry Approved: 1.0 HoursCKA: Environment & CurriculumThis session focuses […]


Vroom Brain Builder Series: Identity Development

Nevada Strong Start Child Care Services Center 961 Matley Lane Suite 110, Reno

Please be aware that you will be asked to adhere to all current social distancing guidelines and COVID-19 safety protocolsInstructor: Hannah WestNevada Registry Approved: 1.5 HoursCKA: Human Growth & DevelopmentParticipants’ […]


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