The Impact of the Games We Play

**REMINDER PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINK**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINARTotal Hours: 2.0Video games now outsell movies and music combined. Not surprisingly, video game and social media addictions are rising in kids and adults. This presentation will contrast healthy and problematic gaming and discuss features in video games and social media that are […]


El Impacto De Los Juegos Que Jugamos

**REMINDER PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINK**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINARTotal Hours: 2.0Actualmente, los videojuegos superan en ventas a las películas y la música combinadas. No es sorprendente, que las adicciones a los videojuegos y las redes sociales estén en aumento tanto en niños como en adultos. Esta presentación hará un contraste entre […]


Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Training

Children's Cabinet, May Building 777 Sinclair Street, Reno, NV, United States

These classes are designed to teach caring adults how to help adolescents who are experiencing mental health, addiction, or are in crisis.These classes are designed to teach parents, mentors, teachers, coaches, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help adolescents (age 12-18) who are experiencing mental health, addiction, or are in […]


Cunas Para Niños

Las Vegas The Children's Cabinet 5905 South Decatur Blvd., Suite #13, Las Vegas, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet-Decatur.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 1.5REQUISITOS: Mamás embarazadas con al menos 6 meses de embarazo o con un hijo menor de 6 meses. Esto también incluye a los cuidadores que obtengan la custodia de un niño menor de 6 meses.¡Padres primerizos! ¡Padres solteros! ¡Mamás o papás! […]


I’m Ready for K – Social Studies and Social Emotional

Family 2 Family Connection 3900 Cambridge Street, ## 107, Las Vegas, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at Family 2 Family ConnectionThis is an in-person classTotal Hours: 1.0Join us for a fun-filled playing and learning series designed for both you and your children. The "I'm Ready for K” series is designed for parents with children ages 3-5 years old. Parents will learn how to help their children […]


The Parent’s Toolbox

The Children's Cabinet 1090 S. Rock Blvd, Reno, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 2.0Building a healthy happy home takes work. Learn which tools you need in your toolbox to be an effective parent. If you use the right tools, you can prevent problems before they happen, by building a great foundation and developing cooperation. […]


Cribs for Kids

Las Vegas The Children's Cabinet 5905 South Decatur Blvd., Suite #13, Las Vegas, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 1.5REQUIREMENTS: Pregnant moms who are at least 6 months pregnant or has a child who is under 6 months old. This also includes care givers who gain custody of a child who is under 6 months old.New Parents! Single Parents! Moms […]


I’m Ready for K: Creative Expression

Family 2 Family Connection 3900 Cambridge Street, ## 107, Las Vegas, NV, United States

This event is an IN-PERSON event at Family 2 Family Connection.THIS IS A IN PERSON EVENT.Trainers: Jazmin SlappyHours: 1.0I'm Ready for K Sessions are designed for children ages 3-5 years old with the primary aim of teaching social emotional and academic skills needed for pre-k and kindergarten readiness.


Cooperative Parenting after Divorce and Separation (4-part program)

The Children's Cabinet 1090 S. Rock Blvd, Reno, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 2.0Cooperative parenting requires good communication skills and a willingness to place your child's interests first. In addition to communication, we will discuss avoiding power struggles, managing anger, and conflict resolution. In completing these classes, you will have the tools to effectively […]


Cognitive Development for Infants and Toddlers

**REMINDER PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINK**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINARTotal Hours: 2.0Cognitive Development is the process in which our brains develop over time. During the first 3 years of life, the brain goes through rapid growth and change. In this class we will talk about how a baby's brain develops from womb […]


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