Active Parenting 101: Becoming the Active Parent

The Children's Cabinet 1090 S. Rock Blvd, Reno, NV, United States

Join the Children's Cabinet for a live, in-person introduction to Active ParentingTaken from the award-winning, evidence-based program - Active Parenting, we discuss the roles of parenting and what styles we commonly use, your child's brain development, and building a strong relationship with your child using mutual respect and cooperation. (2-hour program) Instructor: Thelma Aviles


Parenting 301: Teaching Your Children Personal Responsibility (ages 6+)

The Children's Cabinet 1090 S. Rock Blvd, Reno, NV, United States

Join the Children's Cabinet for a LIVE, IN-PERSON discussion on teaching children responsibilityDerived from the celebrated, evidence-based program - Active Parenting, we discuss how to help your child be more accountable for their actions using a proven, punish-free problem-solving model, which applies both basic and advanced disciplinary methods, choices, and logical consequences. (2-hour program) Instructor: […]


The Early Childhood Conversation about LGBTQIA (all ages)

**REMINDER PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINK**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR ONLYHours:  2.0This program provides a frank discussion of LGBTQIA children and their development; the effects on parenting, and provides a clearer understanding of your child's gender developmental milestones, including basic definitions of the LGBTQIA community, and parenting strategies to support your child […]


Every Moment is a Brain Building Moment

***Please make sure to have a Zoom account prior to attending The Children's Cabinet virtual trainings.***Trainers: Ivett Nunez and Iris MalaveHours:  1.0Parents will gain information about their special role as their child's first and most important teacher. Participants will reinforce their knowledge of early brain development and find out how to be a brain-builders by […]


Mind in the Making Essential Life Skill 2: Perspective Taking

The Children's Cabinet - Reno 1090 South Rock Boulevard, Reno, NV, United States

Perspective Taking is the second of the 7 Essential Life Skills. Learn how to promote this skill in yourself and in your children.Instructor: Cathy Mello Perspective Taking is the skill of seeing things as others see them. Perspective Taking begins in infancy and is important to adjusting to school and to the prevention of conflict. […]


Parenting 501- Redirecting Your Child’s Misbehavior (Ages 6+)

The Children's Cabinet 1090 S. Rock Blvd, Reno, NV, United States

Join the Children's Cabinet for a live, in-person discussion on managing challenging behaviors.From the award-winning, evidence-based program - Active Parenting, we explain the age old question, “What was he or she thinking?” by first understanding what motivates our kids’ behaviors, and then how to best redirect them towards making better choices using some common, yet […]


Cultural Competency (All Ages)

REMINDER PLEASE CHECK YOUR CONFIRMATION EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINKTHIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINARHours:  2:00In this class parents and caregivers will explore topics such as social identity, implicit bias, micro-aggressions and anti-racism in order to help children navigate social norms in this modern society. (2-hour program)


Active Parenting 201: Helping Your Kids Learn Good Communication Skills

The Children's Cabinet 1090 S. Rock Blvd, Reno, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person classTotal Hours:  2.0When people work together cooperatively, problems are solved. A child who learns to work cooperatively with others has a far greater chance of success than a child who stands alone. This class will help you develop the skills for teaching cooperation […]


Active Parenting 301: Teaching Your Children Responsibility and Discipline

**REMINDER PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINK**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR Total Hours:  2.0This class will present methods of handling problems and misbehavior when they occur in the family. It is also about responsibility. We will discuss how to help your child be more accountable for their actions using a proven, punish-free problem-solving […]


Active Parenting 401: Building Up Your Child’s Courage and Self-Esteem

The Children's Cabinet 1090 S. Rock Blvd, Reno, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person classTotal Hours:  2.0Preparing a child to courageously meet the challenges that life offers is perhaps the single most important aspect of parenting. In this class, we will discuss how you can help your child develop self-confidence and self-esteem. We will talk about a […]


Toxic Stress and Child Development (all ages)

**REMINDER PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINK**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR Total Hours:  2.0A child's earliest years are the most crucial for brain development. However, daily stressful environments can negatively affect their emotional, social, and physical development. This workshop shows how stress can affect brain development, while helping you identify children who might […]


Disciplina Positiva (todas las edades) (de 2 a 12 años)

The Children's Cabinet 1090 S. Rock Blvd, Reno, NV, United States

This is an in-person Spanish class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person Spanish classTotal Hours:  2.0Tomado del plan de estudios Paternidad Activa, el objetivo de este programa es proveer a los padres las herramientas necesarias para ayudar a guiar a sus hijos hacia el mejor comportamiento de una manera positiva.Instructor: Thelma Aviles


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