Family Wellness Workshop Series
777 Sinclair St 777 Sinclair Street, Reno, NV, United StatesFamily Wellness works to empower people to manage their families in healthy ways through teaching practical skills (ages 5+).
Family Wellness works to empower people to manage their families in healthy ways through teaching practical skills (ages 5+).
**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS AN IN-PERSON CLASSHours: 2.0Taken from the award-winning, evidence-based program - Active Parenting, we discuss the roles of parenting and what styles we commonly use, your child's brain development, and building a strong relationship with your child using mutual respect and cooperation. (2-hour […]
Youth Mental Health First Aid Presented by the Children's Cabinet and the National Council for Behavioral HealthJoin us on Friday, April 8th 2022 from 9:00am to 3:00pm for Youth Mental Health First Aid. This training will be be virtual. This training is provided at no cost but spaces are limited, so please do not sign […]
**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS A LIVE WEBINARTrainers: Ivett Nunez and Iris MalaveHours: 1.5The training provides essential information on how to promote children's social and emotional skills; understand their child's challenging behavior; and use positive approaches to help children learn appropriate behavior. During Teach Me What To […]
Family Wellness works to empower people to manage their families in healthy ways through teaching practical skills (ages 5+).
**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINARHours: 2:00The purpose of this workshop is to provide information on how to carefully select safe caregivers for children, including identifying warning signs and behaviors in potential significant others, babysitters, or other individuals that may care for children. (2-hour […]
Discuss how to help our kids recognize and solve common problems using sound communication skillsTHIS IS A LIVE IN-PERSON CLASSTotal Hours: 2.0From the critically acclaimed, evidence-based program - Active Parenting, we discuss how to help our kids recognize and solve common problems using sound communication skills (e.g., Active Listening, responding to feelings, looking for alternatives, […]
**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS A LIVE WEBINARTrainers: Ivett Nunez and Iris MalaveHours: 1.5The class provides essential information on how to, promote children's social and emotional skills; understand their child's challenging behavior; and use positive app[roaches to help children learn appropriate behavior. During Responding with purpose, families […]
Family Wellness works to empower people to manage their families in healthy ways through teaching practical skills (ages 5+).
**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINARHours: 2:00A child's earliest years are the most crucial for brain development. However, daily stressful environments can negatively affect their emotional, social, and physical development. This workshop shows how stress can affect brain development, while helping you identify children […]
Discuss how to help your child be more accountable for their actions using a proven, punish-free problem-solving modelTHIS IS A LIVE IN-PERSON CLASSTotal Hours: 2.0Derived from the celebrated, evidence-based program - Active Parenting, we discuss how to help your child be more accountable for their actions using a proven, punish-free problem-solving model, which applies both […]
Youth Mental Health First Aid Presented by the Children's Cabinet and the National Council for Behavioral HealthJoin us on Friday April 22nd 9:00am to 3:00pm for Youth Mental Health First Aid. This training will take place at the Children's Cabinet at 1090 South Rock Blvd. This training is provided at no cost but spaces are […]