Must attend all 4 sessions to get certificate**Sessions 3 and 4 are now open to the public. Participants will not get full credit for the course for court-ordered programs, but are welcome to attend for informational purposes.**THIS IS A LIVE IN-PERSON CLASSTotal Hours: 8.0Cooperative parenting requires good communication skills and a willingness to place your […]
Family Wellness works to empower people to manage their families in healthy ways through teaching practical skills (ages 5+).
**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS A LIVE WEBINARUnderstanding ADHDHours: 2.0Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) experience more obstacles in their path to success in school and everyday life. This class will help parents and caregivers to understand and support children with ADHD. (2 hour class)
**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**NOTE: Bring a snack to enjoy with your child.Trainers: Ivett Nunez and Iris MalaveHours: 2.5Fun and interactive activity sessions for families with children ages 3-5 years old with the primary aim of teaching social emotional and academic skills needed for Pre-K and Kindergarten. Parents […]
Learn what tools are needed that can build a solid foundation, develop healthy cooperation, and prevent problems from escalating.THIS IS A LIVE IN-PERSON CLASSTotal Hours: 2.0Homebuilding takes the teamwork of a dedicated and skillful crew. Making that home secure and happy though, takes teamwork of dedicated children, skillful parents and caregivers. Learn what tools are […]