This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 8.0Cooperative parenting requires good communication skills and a willingness to place your child's interests first. In addition to communication, we will discuss avoiding power struggles, managing anger, and conflict resolution. Your children will have the benefit of the support and care […]
This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 2.0This session will help families discover the importance of routines and how to set children up for success, identify strategies for successful transitions from daily activities for children and creating plans for daily routines.Instructor: Cathy Mello
This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 2.0This class will present methods of handling problems and misbehavior when they occur in the family. It is also about responsibility. We will discuss how to help your child be more accountable for their actions using a proven, punish-free problem-solving model, […]