Toxic Stress and Child Development (all ages)

**REMINDER PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINK**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR Total Hours:  2.0A child's earliest years are the most crucial for brain development. However, daily stressful environments […]


An Introduction to The Pyramid Model for QRIS Programs

***Please make sure to have a Zoom account prior to attending The Children's Cabinet virtual trainings.*** (Handouts-Windows 10 or better)Instructor: Minerva PerezNevada Registry Approved: 1.5 HoursCKA:  Positive Interactions and Guidance This […]


Stress Management & Self-Care

**REMINDER PLEASE CHECK YOUR CONFIRMATION EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINK **Instructor: Janna RightmireNevada Registry Approved:  1.0 HoursCKA:  Leadership & Professional DevelopmentIt is not uncommon for professional who work with children to […]


Disciplina Positiva (todas las edades) (de 2 a 12 años)

The Children's Cabinet 5905 South Decatur Blvd., Suite #13, Las Vegas, NV, United States

This is an in-person Spanish class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person Spanish classTotal Hours:  2.0Tomado del plan de estudios Paternidad Activa, el objetivo de este programa es proveer […]


Preschool Math During Daily Routines

**REMINDER PLEASE CHECK YOUR CONFIRMATION EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINK **Instructor: Rhonda LaughlinNevada Registry Approved:  2.0 HoursCKA:  Environment & CurriculumAfter the training participants will be able to describe why math is […]


Health, Nutrition, and Safety in Afterschool

***Please make sure to have a Zoom account prior to attending The Children's Cabinet virtual trainings.*** (Handouts-Windows 10 or better)Instructor: Constance TomanengNevada Registry Approved: 1.0 HoursCKA: Health, Nutrition & SafetyAfterschool programs […]


Strengthening Business Practices: Module 2- Financial Reports

***Please make sure to have a Zoom account prior to attending The Children's Cabinet virtual trainings.*** (Handouts-Windows 10 or better)Instructor: Amanda HardingNevada Registry Approved Hours: 2.0Core Knowledge Area: Management & […]


Emotional Intelligence in Early Childhood Education

***Please make sure to have a Zoom account prior to attending The Children's Cabinet virtual trainings.*** (Handouts-Windows 10 or better)Instructor: Amanda HardingNevada Registry Approved:  2.0 HourCKA: Positive Interactions and GuidanceThis […]


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