Parenting 301: Teaching Your Child Personal Responsibility (ages 6+)

**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR ONLYHours:  2.0Taken from the celebrated, evidence-based program - Active Parenting, we discuss how to help your child develop personal responsibility using a proven, punish-free problem-solving model, which applies both basic and advanced disciplinary methods, choices, and logical consequences.


Out of School Time: On the Level…Positive Guidance

**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**Instructor: Amanda HardingNevada Registry Approved:  1.0 HourCKA:  Positive Interactions and GuidanceOne of the biggest challenges facing an afterschool program staff is guiding the behavior of youth. One or two misbehaving children can completely alter the planned outcomes of the day. Positive guidance techniques are […]


Active Parenting First Five Years – Providing Simple Choices & Consequences

**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR ONLYHours:  1.5Caregivers often need reassurance whenever correcting a young child's misbehavior. Derived from the curriculum Active Parenting: First Five Years, we will be exploring ways to enhance your skills by providing activities supporting positive discipline techniques (e.g., giving simple […]


I’m Ready for K: Creative Expression

**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR ONLYHours:  1.0With “I’m Ready for K”, parents and guardians will discover how to help your child acquire the skills necessary for kindergarten readiness, how to effectively use the “I’m Ready for K!” book to gauge your child’s current […]


Strengthening Business Practices Module III : Marketing Your Program

**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**Instructor: Amanda HardingNevada Registry Approved:  1.5 HoursCKA: Management & AdministrationDescription: Strengthening Business Practices for Child Care Programs training series addresses basic concepts in fiscal and operational management of center-based programs. The trainings are grounded in the belief that strong and sustainable child care businesses […]


Mind in the Making: Module VI: Taking on Challenges

**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**Instructor: Amanda HardingNevada Registry Approved:  1.5 HoursCKA:  Positive Interactions and GuidanceWe will dive into the life skill on taking on challenges and how it pertains to our executive functions. We will explore what this means as adults and how we can implement strategies to […]


Teaching with Intentionality – From Routines & Beyond!

learn strategies for planning intentional concepts to incorporate in learning centersHours: 2.0Core Knowledge Area: Positive Interactions and Guidance Description: Participants will learn strategies for planning intentional concepts to incorporate in learning centers, meal times, gross motor time, whole group and small group time. Participants will receive intentional teaching techniques & questions/conversation starters to incorporate in […]


Parenting 401: Building Up Your Child’s Confidence (ages 6+)

**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR ONLYHours:  2.0Taken from the acclaimed, evidence-based program Active Parenting, we discuss how to help your child develop more self-confidence and a higher sense of self-esteem by using a simple, yet effective proven model of problem-solving, while helping you […]


QRIS: E-3 Activities

**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**Instructor: Marissa Meehan-GoffNevada Registry Approved:  2.0 HoursCKA:  Environment & CurriculumThis training is geared to help guide preschool/pre-K teachers (ages 3-5) on what is expected of them during the Activities portion of the ERS Assessment. This class will offer in-depth information on how to achieve […]


Active Parenting First Five Years – Stimulating School Readiness

**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR ONLYHours:  2.0Derived from the critically acclaimed program Active Parenting: The First Five Years, we will discuss and provide activities to prepare your young child for both pre-school and Kindergarten. We will also encourage the importance of limiting screen […]


Toxic Stress and Child Development (all ages)

**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR ONLYHours:  2.0A child's earliest years are the most crucial for brain development. However, daily stressful environments can negatively affect their emotional, social, and physical development. We discuss how stress can affect brain development, help you identify children who […]


NV TACSEI Session 2: Building Nurturing and Responsive Relationships

The Children's Cabinet 1090 S. Rock Blvd, Reno, NV, United States

Building Relationships is an essential part of behavior guidance for infant toddlers -Pre-KHours: 2.0Instructor: Raynee ClarkCore Knowledge Area: Positive Interactions & GuidanceDescription: This training will provide information and activities to help teachers understand the importance of building relationships with children, families and colleagues as a first step in supporting children's social emotional development and preventing […]


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