HWest Headshot
Hannah West hwest@childrenscabinet.org
Hello everyone! My name is Hannah West, and I am excited to introduce myself as the new Mind in the Making and Vroom Coordinator for the Children’s Cabinet. I truly believe that the children are our future, and that they are capable of any and all success that they strive for. This is why I have resonated with Vroom and Mind in the Making. These complimentary programs acknowledge that a caregiver is a child’s first teacher, and seek to provide tools and tips on how to promote our children’s brain development.  If you have any questions on either program, or if you would just like to reach out please feel free to do so! I am always looking to meet more members of our beautiful communities across Nevada.

Learn more about the science

You can learn more about the science behind Vroom by taking a Mind in the Making class. These interactive sessions help us understand the science behind children’s early development. They also offer us simple, everyday ways we can promote strong life skills for the children in our lives.
The Children’s Cabinet offers Mind in the Making classes in-person and online. Check out our events calendar for a schedule of free, public classes.
Click to go to class schedule

FREE Provider Classes this month

Mind in the Making (MITM) shares the science of children’s learning through innovative in-depth training and materials geared for action. Parenting classes on Mind in the Making will begin again in January. For Provider Classes this December, please see the following dates:

December 14 Virtual (Statewide)
MITM Life Skill #4: Making Connections

It's easy to use Vroom Tips when you're out & about

Creating Everyday Experiments

The beauty of Vroom is that it makes an everyday task into playtime. For example: taking a snow day and turning it into a day to experiment with our children is a wonderful way to make a few minutes of the day a Brain Building Moment. This video highlights a few examples of how we can take regular household items and recycle them into a fun activity!

The Twelve Days of Vroom Tips

The holidays are a great time to have a Brain Building moment with the children in our lives. It’s also a time where we as adults can be very busy, and that’s where Vroom comes in. Vroom partnered with Mississippi Thrive to create The 12 Days of Vroom Tips – a fun and easy set of brain building tips that can be fit into any busy schedule. Click the button below to get 12 brain building tips that you can use this holiday season!

To order Vroom Collateral, please click here ————>

For more information and questions please contact me at:

Hwest@childrenscabinet.org          775-856-0134

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