As we welcome in the New Year, we want to focus our efforts with the Vroom program on new parents. The Children’s Cabinet has many resources that new parents can take advantage of. The joys of parenting are endless, and the love we have for our children runs deep. Yet, that is not to say that being a parent, especially a new parent, is without its challenges. The Children’s Cabinet and Vroom are here to help you through these challenges. 
Please reach out to the Children’s Cabinet to find more information about our resources. It is our mission to keep children safe and families together, and we whole-heartedly live by this mission in all of our programs.


Point of Impact: Car Seat Inspection

Being a New Parent can be a time for a lot of new experiences. This can be both amazing and stressful. The last thing a new parent needs to worry about is their child’s safety. This is where why our amazing partners at REMSA and the Children’s Cabinet are hosting a Car Seat Inspection Checkpoint Event through the Point of Impact program on January 20th.The Point of Impact program offers free checkpoints throughout the community. Staff and volunteers will check for obvious defects and determine whether the car seat appears on a national recall list. In addition, they will check the installation, correct any problems, and provide education on the proper use and installation of the car seat. For checkpoints, bring your child(ren) if possible, and car seat(s) and expect the process to take about 30-45 minutes. If you have more than one car seat it may take longer.

For more information on this January event please see the event flyer

For other Car Seat Inspection events this year, click here: POI 2024 Events Flyer.

Vroom Tip of the Month

Babies are born ready to learn! This motto is at the heart of Vroom’s brain-building movement. While they are ready to learn, their brains are far from done developing. Their brains are very active at birth. At this age, every interaction, conversation, response, and so on helps build new connections in their brain. These connections form the foundation for their brain’s continued development. Check out this tip called Tummy Textures with your infant. Engaging and bonding are so important during infancy. Finding a way to involve them in your everyday activities grows their brain with each interaction.

Learn the Science: Supporting Yourself While You Support Your Baby

The research shows that there are many challenges that new parents face. To many parents this comes as no surprise as your mind, body, and life change when becoming a parent. Many new moms experience either ‘baby blues’ or postpartum depression (PPD). The CDC describes baby blues as a ‘common term given to mother’s experience mild and brief sadness, worry, and tiredness’. While Postpartum lasts longer and is characterized by more intense feelings of stress and depression-like symptoms.  According to the CDC, women are at a higher risk for depression if they have less social support than their peers (among many other factors).
Depression does not only affect new mothers. Fathers also report symptoms of depression after the birth of their new baby. While there is still a lot of research to be done on father’s postpartum depression, the research currently shows that fathers can experience many of the same postpartum depression symptoms as their female counterparts. 

The Children’s Cabinet and many of our partner organizations across Nevada are here to help new parents wherever we can. There are many other free programs for new parents and their children. You are not alone! Parenting is hard, give yourself some grace and reach out for help if and when you need it. If you are curious to learn more about PPD, follow the links below. If you would like to know how that Children’s Cabinet can support you, or connect you with ther resources, call us: and Children’s Cabinet, Reno – 775-856-6200Children’s Cabinet, Las Vegas – 702-825-8978

Information and resources on postpartum depression and breastfeeding from our American Academy of Pediatrics –

Nevada’s mental health resources for families –  Nevada 211

Nevada 211 Logo

Parent & caregiver resources from the Children’s Cabinet – Children’s Cabinet Parent Programs

The Children's Cabinet

Download the Vroom App Today!

Caregivers are our children’s first teachers. You already have what it takes to be a brain builder with your baby. Try Vroom today to be be a part of the brain-building movement today.

Matley Picture
Hannah West

Please feel free to get in contact with me to discuss how to incorporate Vroom into your life!

To order Vroom Collateral, please click here ————>

For more information and questions please contact me at:          775-856-0134

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