
The Children’s Cabinet Launches The Best Place for Working Parents® in Nevada


October 4, 2022



Krystal Pyatt 775-856-0123


The Children’s Cabinet Launches The Best Place for Working Parents® in Nevada


(LAS VEGAS, Nev.)  Nevada has joined the national Best Place for Working Parents® partnership, offering real-time designations to businesses of all sizes whose family-friendly policies qualify through a first-of-its-kind, 3-minute online self-assessment. In its mission to support working parents, The Children’s Cabinet is launching Best Place for Working Parents® throughout Nevada to offer local business leaders the opportunity to instantly determine whether their organization qualifies to earn a Best Place for Working Parents® designation, positioning them among the leading family-friendly businesses in the U.S.


The Children’s Cabinet mission is to keep children safe and families together with programs throughout the state of Nevada. The Best Places for Working Parents partnership is part of the latest offerings to support employers and employees alike to help build a mutually beneficial relationship. In addition to recognition for first-in-class family-friendly businesses, The Children’s Cabinet provides resources to help businesses move to the next level with free customizable support.


Originating in Fort Worth in 2020, the confidential online business self-assessment allows businesses of all sizes tout innovative practices that are helping today’s working parents provide for their families, and adapt and thrive at work during extraordinary times. The Best Place for Working Parents® assessment highlights only the top 10 research-backed policies proven to benefit working parents AND businesses’ bottom line.


While family-friendly policies have a direct impact on working parents, local and national research proves that there is also a serious business case to being family-friendly:

  • 83% of millennials in the United States would leave one job for another with stronger family-friendly supports.
  • Replacing an employee costs an employer six to nine months of that employee’s salary.
  • Over 60% of working parents said child care issues have caused them to miss work.
  • Employers lose $13 billion annually due to child care challenges faced by their workforce.[1]
  • 72% of Nevadans live in a childcare desert with limited access to childcare provider options.
  • In a dual income household, the median income spends 40% of their budget on childcare in Nevada.


The Best Place for Working Parents® online self-assessment provides a real-time dashboard of how a business fares against other businesses of like size and industry across each of the top 10 family-friendly practices in their region. Each of the top 10 policies include research on their business ROI and case studies that tell the story of how local businesses’ practices have impacted their productivity, retention, job satisfaction and attraction. The 3-minute self-assessment, real-time dashboard results, and the Best Place for Working Parents® designation for qualifying businesses can be accessed at


This program is supported with funding from the Administration for Children and Families Child Care and Development Fund through a subaward agreement with the Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services Child Care and Development Program.


ABOUT The Best Place for Working Parents®

The Best Place for Working Parents® is a growing national network of business leaders proving that family-friendly IS business-friendly.  Originating in Fort Worth, Texas, The Best Place for Working Parents® seeks to support businesses with research-backed strategies that benefit working parents AND businesses’ bottom line. Learn more at and


ABOUT The Children’s Cabinet

First established in Reno in 1985 and then in Las Vegas in 2010, The Children’s Cabinet exists to keep children safe and families together by offering services and resources that address unmet needs. The organization represents a unique and effective collaboration between the private sector and public agencies in Nevada. The Children’s Cabinet helps more than 10,000 families annually with a wide range of services:  basic needs, child care resources, education, and work experience programs, crisis intervention, and family counseling. As a non-profit agency, The Children’s Cabinet relies on community support to provide programs and services at no charge to children and their families.



[1] Sources: Patricia S. Reed & Shirley M. Clark, (Win-Win Workplace Practices), Goldman Sachs, SHRM, “Getting Back to Work” report (May 2021), ReadyNation (March 2021)

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