February is here already! It feels like it was just the holiday season, but here we are – starting the second month of 2023. Time goes by quickly, doesn’t it? Don’t miss out on opportunities to help you little one’s brain grow as their body does, because as anyone who has kids (or works with kids) can tell you – our children grow up fast. The Children’s Cabinet has a variety of resources like Vroom and Mind in the Making that can help parents and providers who are taking care of the future of our communities.
Vroom Tip of the Month

Valentine’s Day reminds us to slow down and make sure our loved ones know how much we care. Saying ‘I love you’ and showing you care is one of the best ways to bond with your little one. This tip also turns saying I love you into a fun game that will help your child learn! Check out the tip and the brainy background behind it for an idea to use this February.
Learn the Science!
You can learn more about the science behind Vroom by taking a Mind in the Making class. These interactive sessions help us understand the science behind children’s early development. They also offer us simple, everyday ways we can promote strong life skills for the children in our lives.
The Children’s Cabinet offers Mind in the Making classes in-person and online for parents and providers. Please join us at one of our classes this month!
FREE Parenting Classes this month
For parenting classes on Mind in The Making, please see the training dates this month:
February 7 – In-Person (Reno)
MITM Life Skill #1: Focus and Self Control
FREE Provider Classes this month
For Provider Classes this February, please see the following dates:
February 25 (and March 18)- In-Person (Reno)
MITM Institute: Full 16-hour Training (Participants must attend both days to get full NV Registry Credit.)
Download the Vroom App Today!
Children thrive off of activities that can engage their brain and stretch their skills. If your looking for fun ideas to spruce up chores, errands, bedtimes, mealtimes, and so on then check out the Vroom app! There are 1,000+ of tips for any occasion. Vroom activities are catered to meet your child where they are at developmentally. They can be used at home, school, in the car, on a walk – anywhere! To get a better idea of how the Vroom app works check out this video and start your brain building activities today!

Provider Survey for Vroom
Thank you to all providers who have been working with and/or distributing Vroom materials to the community that you serve! You are an essential puzzle piece to these programs! We want to hear from you. Please use the QR code or click here to fill out our survey and be entered in for a chance to win 1 of 3 $100 Lakeshore gift cards!

Mind In The Making trainings are not only available in the asynchronous 2-hour modules for providers, but also as the full series. We have a full series training planned in February/March. Due to the training being 16 hours total, we have split up the days between two super Saturdays — February 25th, and March 18th at our Matley location.*
Mind in The Making Training Series

Please feel free to get in contact with me to discuss how to incorporate Vroom into your life!
To order Vroom Collateral, please click here ————>