Provider Education & Training Workshops

The mission of the Professional Development Team is to improve the quality of licensed child care programs by increasing the education and knowledge of the workforce through a variety of learning event and technical assistance opportunities that are linked to the Nevada’s Core Knowledge Areas.

Contact Our Trainers in Northern Nevada and Southen Nevada

North Provider Training – Janna Rightmire:

775-391-5727 ext. 208,

South Provider Training – Constance Tomaneng:


Our Supporting Early Education and Development (SEED) department works collaboratively with other agencies to provide opportunities for education and training in the field of early childhood. We offer a variety of trainings for child care providers through various formats. Listed below you will find the types of classes offered, you can find the schedule of in-person and live webinar classes here.

Statewide Live Webinars

Our live training webinars are available to help early childhood professionals complete their required annual training hours and enhance their knowledge and skills to provide high-quality care for Nevada’s children. All webinars are approved for Nevada Registry credit. Please make certain you sign in, engage in discussion, and attend the full session to receive credit for your attendance. To register, please visit our events calendar.

Online Early Education and Care Professional Education Center

Our self-paced, online training courses are available to help early childhood professionals complete their required annual training hours. All classes have Nevada Registry approval and Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits. Options also include packages to obtain the training hours required for a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or CDA credential renewal and a 40-hour Initial Training for early childhood educators new to the field. Online courses are available in a self-guided, self-paced platform. You can access them whenever and from wherever!

ePyramid Training

Providers who need to take the ePyramid online modules can click here to request ePyramid training access. These are self-paced modules and are approved for Nevada Registry credit.

In-Person Training

Due to the changing COVID-19 conditions, we have suspended all in-person trainings, but please continue to check our Events Calendar for training opportunities.

Training Request

If you need training in a particular area and cannot find a class through The Children’s Cabinet or the Nevada Registry, please email and tell us about your needs. We are here to support you!

Outside Training Resources – The Nevada Registry

The Nevada Registry has a statewide, online training calendar and offers Career Ladder placement, community resources and information, a statewide Job Board, and much more. The Nevada Registry is also responsible for the approval of all informal (not-for-college-credit) child care training in the state.

Outside Training Resources – College Coursework

An approved one-credit college course equals 15 CEUs and completes the required annual training hours for child care providers. Contact your child care licensing surveyor for more information on approved college coursework. The Nevada Registry also has comprehensive information on ECE coursework throughout Nevada’s System of Higher Education. Visit the Nevada Registry’s Nevada System of Higher Education webpage for more information on college coursework in Nevada.

Participant Training Policies

The Learner Anti-discrimination policy exists to establish uniform guidance in order to promote an educational environment free from discrimination and harassment. This policy sets expectations of behaviors aligned with The Children’s Cabinet’s values and support of positive and professional relationships and learning environments. This policy also defines various forms of harassment and unacceptable behaviors and outlines the parties responsible for reporting, investigating, and responding to any reports of discrimination or harassment.

The purpose of this policy is to establish uniform guidance in the disclosure of instructor’s proprietary interests in products, instruments, devices, materials or services to The Children’s Cabinet or learners participating in professional development learning events.

The purpose of the Intellectual Property Rights Policy is to establish the intellectual and legal property rights of The Children’s cabinet in all materials purchased, created or utilized for our community learning events. This policy is shared with learners on the learning event registration webpage.

The Children’s Cabinet values our client’s privacy and records. This policy describes our policy and efforts to protect the privacy and security of the participants in our child care professional development learning events. The below also establishes who has access to records, when they can be released, and how participants can access their own information.

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