Parent Education & Support Services​

Are you interested in free parenting classes?

Apply online here for services or call 775-856-6200

The Children’s Cabinet is here to support you in supporting your child’s development. You are your child’s first and most important teacher and you already have what it takes to turn everyday moments into “brain-building moments!” Below are free resources that can help you along the parenthood journey:

Developmental Milestones

It is important to stay involved with your medical provider to ensure your child is reaching crucial milestones. Please visit Nevada Act Early to get information on developmental milestones and agencies who assist if you suspect a developmental delay.  If you want to see if your child’s development is on track, you can access an online developmental screening by contacting Cristal Roldan at or by calling (775) 856-0107. 


Looking for information on an ongoing basis? Sign up for our monthly newsletter HERE to access family tips and resources throughout the state.

Parenting Classes

Our parenting classes can help you understand the importance of play, how your child learns, how to support literacy, guidance techniques and so much more! Access our class list here.

If you are a provider and are looking for classes, please visit our Child Care Provider Education page.

PAT (Parents as Teachers)

The Children’s Cabinet is excited to present this program in Elko County and Washoe County. PAT is an evidence-based home visiting model with an emphasis on parent education. PAT is designed to support families with early childhood parent education, well-being, and school readiness, which serves parents with children ages prenatal through kindergarten. The vision of PAT is that “all children will develop, learn and grow to realize their full potential.”

Available in both Elko County and Washoe County, parents can contact: 

Washoe County: Amanda Cleary at, (775) 789-4340 or Cynthia Vega at, (775) 352-8090

Elko County: Meghann Rangel, Program Coordinator at, 775-738-3808

Pyramid Model Family Support Services

The Children’s Cabinet Pyramid Model team supports families with young children (under 6) who are experiencing persistent challenging behavior by offering free consultation and home visiting. Our family specialist will partner with you to complete a social-emotional screening tool, and create individualized targeted behavior goals to support your child in succeeding at home and at school.

To request support for your child, please complete our referral form HERE.


The Children’s Cabinet is pleased to partner with Vroom! Vroom is a set of free tools and resources designed to inspire families to turn everyday moments into “brain-building moments” by layering activities that are essential to healthy brain development onto existing routines.

Download the app for personalized daily engagement activities with Apple or Android.

Learn more about Vroom on our web page! 

Working Parents

As a parent, balancing responsibilities at home and in the workplace can be a major challenge, and talking to your supervisor about needing support is intimidating. However, being open about what resources you need as a working parent can help you be more engaged and motivated at work while increasing health and happiness at home. 

Click here to learn how to talk to your employer about family-friendly supports.

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